Saturday, January 9, 2010

Temples & Testimony

This morning I was able to go to the temple with 3 of my friends.  I love them.  They make it easier to do what I should be doing.  They are amazing women.  The temple was busy so it gave us some extra time to reflect...and relax.  I really love that quiet time in the chapel in the temple.  I love being there with such good friends that I love.  I am thankful so be so close to so many temples.  I really try to make temple attendance a priority in my life.  It was a great start to the day.  (Breakfast afterward was great, too!)

One of my friends is worrying about work right now.  Things have been a little tough lately for her husband's employer and there isn't enough work to keep him busy full time.  Right now is a really hard time to find employment.  The economy is struggling.  Many are unemployed.  My friend is really concerned.  I understand her worry, and I wish I could help her.  I wish I could carry her worries for a while so she didn't have to.  I pray that her husband will be led to an opportunity that will bless their family.  I pray it will come sooner than later.  But there is one thing I know for sure.  Heavenly Father is mindful of each of us.  I know He has a plan for us.  I know He wants to bless us, and that He Will bless us.  Sometimes we don't understand the timing of His plans.  Sometimes it's really hard to have faith and hold on.  But I know He loves us beyond our comprehension.  I know He wants us to return to live with Him again.  I know He sent His Son to earth to atone for our sins, but also to know how to succor us and we face challenges in our lives.  I know that He can help us if we turn to Him.  I love the Gospel and I am so thankful for the knowledge and testimony I have acquired over the years.  After thinking about all this, I have to express my gratitude for my husband's employment. I know it is a blessing from the Lord.  A blessing that richly blesses our family


January 8, 2010

Tonight Megan and Madi came over to play while their parents went out on a date.  The kids were excited all day long.  They kept asking me how much longer until their cousins were coming.  Well, the time FINALLY arrived, and the kids had such fun together.  Especially Garrett & Megan.  They chased each other around all night.  Okay, it was a little loud.  I had to remind them that screaming was NOT allowed.  But it was fun.  They were happy.  I was happy.  What a blessing having family nearby is!

Warm Home

January 7, 2010

Today I am thankful for a warm home.  I take that for granted.  Today I heard about someone who didn't have one.  My heart was filled with concern for them even though I don't even know them.  I was also filled with gratitude for my home, and the safety and comfort and warmth I find here. I know I have been so richly blessed.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Good books, case lot sales, music & Exercise?

January 6, 2010

So I have a lot to be thankful for today.  I love a good book.  I love the feeling of escape while reading and the feeling of accomplishment when I finish.  I love it when what I've read leaves me thinking about ways I can be a better person or motivated to try something new.  I love a good book!

Okay, so this is a little cheesy, but I love it when there are case lot sales at the store.  Especially when I feel like our food storage is dwindling.  This week 3 local grocery stores have case lot sales.  They usually last 3 weeks, which I also love, because it means I can stretch out my purchases over 3 weeks of grocery budgets.  It feels so good to stock up our shelves down in the basement with food & other stuff we use.  I love it when I make a grocery list and I already have a bunch of the stuff in the basement.  It is good to be obedient.

I decided to get back into my exercise routine, so this morning I went out to the treadmill and start training again for a 5K.  Although I wouldn't say I LOVE to exercise, I sure feel good about myself when I do it.  Which brings me to MUSIC.  I love to listen to my MP3 where the songs are all songs that I like.  Just the thought of listening to my music is motivation to get to the treadmill.  I need to listen more often instead of turning on the TV.  Anyway, it felt good and was a little fun, too!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dentists, Doctors, & Diet Coke

January 5, 2010

Today was a good day, but it was a little bit stressful for me, too.  Grace had a dentist appt. to get some cavities filled.  The dentist gives me anxiety, and that's not even considering the bill that comes at the end!  Grace did a great job and all went well, but the hour I spent in the waiting room was a little tense.  But I am so grateful that I have the option of taking my kids to dentists and doctors who can provide them with the best care.  I am so thankful to have insurance to help pay and provide for these blessings.  I am humbled as I recognize how blessed I am.  Of course, after the dentist appt.  I had to go get a diet coke!  It was a welcome relief! 

Later that day I visited with a couple of my good friends.  I love my friends!  They make me happy.  They motivate me to try harder and be better.  They accept me and all my imperfections.  I love an afternoon chat on the phone with my friends.  I can go days, weeks, or months even without seeing some of my friends, but all I need is a good phone call to feel close to them.  I am so grateful for the wonderful women in my life that I am lucky to call my friends.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Family Game Night

January 4, 2010 (Sorry I didn't get this posted last night!)

We played a game as part of our Family Home Evening.  It was Monopoly Jr. that the kids got for Christmas.  It was a lot of fun to play together.  I can't lie...there were a few tears involved and the youngest of the Moore family ended up in bed before the game was over. (It's tough to pay money to your older brothers!)  I must admit I was happy when the game was over and the kids went to bed.  But I am enjoying this new stage in our family's life.  I like that they are all old enough (almost) to play games that Scott and I enjoy, too.  It was a great night.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Times, New Teachers, & Tender Hearts

Today was Sunday.  The first Sunday of the New Year.  We got to start at 11:00 instead of 9:00.  :)  I have to admit, this makes my life a little bit easier.  Okay, a LOT easier.  Getting all four kids and myself ready and to church on time for 9am was a little rough.  Some mornings it involved some yelling.  A great way to start a Sabbath day, don't you think?  This morning went so much smoother.  I didn't yell.  I didn't even raise my voice.  We were on time and there was no rushing.  It was really nice.  The kids all got new teachers and new classes in Primary, too.  They were pretty excited.  Although I've never been a Primary President, I'm sure it's one of those days you're always glad to have behind you.  The Primary room was a little noisy at first, but they seemed to have everything under control and the kids were all happy after church.  I am so thankful for all that serve in Primary.  It's a tough calling.  It requires sacrifice.  They do such a good job and I am so thankful for those that help us teach our children the gospel.

I am really thankful for Relief Society.  I Love Relief Society.  On Sunday it's a little respite from the week  that builds my testimony, reminds me of what's most important, and encourages me to be the person Heavenly Father wants me to be.  Today's lesson was on the condition of our hearts.  Are they hard or soft?  How are our testimonies?  What can we do to strenghthen our testimonies and soften our hearts?  It was a wonderful lesson taught by our wonderful RS President, my next door neighbor, Pam Jensen.  She is a wonderful example.  I am so thankful for the gospel.  My life is so richly blessed by it.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Date Night!

Tonight I got to go on a date with Scott.  It was a lot of fun.  Scott's parents watched the kids so we could go to dinner and a movie.  It is so nice to be close to our parents.  We went and saw The Blind Side.  We really enjoyed it.  One minute I had tears in my eyes, and the next I was laughing.  It was great.  So was the popcorn! :)  Why is it that popcorn always tastes the best in a movie theater?  I was inspired by the movie to try and be a better person.  More kind.  More compassionate.  More aware of others.  After the movie we ate at Cafe Rio, one of our favorites.  It was nice to get to talk uninterrupted with Scott.  It was a great day and a great date!  How lucky am I?

Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year

So I got an email from one of the digital scrapbooking places I like to look at. They have this new program to encourage people to notice the little things in their lives and cultivate a more grateful attitude and perspective. I thought that sounded like a wonderful idea. So this blog is going to be dedicated to the little things in my life that bring me happiness. The little things that are big blessings from the Lord.

Today was filled with so many blessings it's hard to count. This morning my parents, Scott's parents and his brothers & sisters and their families all came over to celebrate Bryson's fourth birthday. We had brunch. It tasted really good, which is always an answer to prayers when you're the one doing the cooking! I had a lot of help from Scott. I couldn't have done it without him. He is the greatest. We had a good time with everyone. What wonderful families we are a part of. Our children's lives are so blessed by the influence of their grandparents, aunts, uncles, & cousins. I am very happy to be so close to most of them and I miss the ones that aren't here. Hopefully that will change one day soon.

Tonight we went to a party for one of my friends. She turned 30, which makes me feel pretty old, but we had a good time anyway. I've been thinking a lot about friends lately. You're never too old to need good friends. You're never to mature to escape their influences, either. More and more I appreciate my good friends. The friends that love me no matter what, but who also encourage me to be a little bit better, too. Being with some of them tonight was fun.

Which brings me to my next little thing. Babysitters. Not just any babysitter, but the one my kids love. The one I love because she talks to me. She keeps the kids in control. I have complete trust in her. She's the best. I can enjoy time with my husband because I know she's there and the kids will be fine. More than fine, really. They are at home having a great time, too. Thanks, Gabrielle.

And my last little thing for today... Bubblebaths! Every girl loves a bubble bath every now and then. I don't take the time to enjoy a bubblebath nearly as much as I should. But I did tonight and it was wonderful.

Oh, and a good book. You know, to read while taking a bubblebath. I told you I had a lot to be thankful for today!